About the Nikon Imaging Center at UC San Diego
The Nikon Imaging Center (NIC) at the University of California San Diego is a light microscopy core facility and recently opened in September 2018. Our NIC is a private-public partnership between Nikon Instruments Incorporated and the University of California San Diego. Currently, there are nine Nikon Imaging Centers worldwide: Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (NIC@IIT), Harvard Medical School (NIC@HMS), Hokkaido University (NIC@HU), Institut Curie (NIMCE), King's College London (NIC@King's), Northwestern University (NIC@NU), Singapore Bioimaging Consortium (NIC@SBIC), University of Heidelberg (NIC@HD), and University of California San Diego (NIC@UCSD). Nikon Instruments Incorporated has donated five cutting-edge microscope systems to our center to facilitate local research. We’re welcoming researchers from UC San Diego and the greater San Diego research community.

Drosophila brain, Joydeep De, spinning disk confocal mode on Sterling