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User Guides


Acknowledgement of the NIC is required in all publications that include data from the NIC resources. Our funding depends on our users and collaborators acknowledging the contribution of the staff and the Center in their research and publications. This simple step supports our mission to help you with your research.  
Here is a template of the language to use:   
"Microscopy and image analysis was performed at the Nikon Imaging Center at UC San Diego. We’d like to thank - staff name - and the Nikon Imaging Center at UCSD for the support on microscopy experiments." 

Imaging Tips

Here we provide general tips about Chambers and Coverslips, Fluorescent Dyes, Fluorescent ProteinsImmunofluorescence. Feel free to ask us tips and advise specific for your project. 

For more in depth understanding of microscopy please refer to Nikon Microscopy U.


Educational Links 


OMERO.insight installation guide

OMERO.insight version 5.5.9 troubleshoot guide

OMERO.figure web version user guide

Microscope user guides


Sterling - Photo activation and conversion